St. Kitts and Nevis Amazing Rank Among the Top 17 Safest Caribbean islands to visit

St. Kitts and Nevis as a nation in the Caribbean comprises of two uniquely connecting islands. St. Kitts being larger than Nevis and having a greater population. They are both beautiful islands with great beach sands, warm weather and welcoming people. It is no surprise that tourists all over the world pick the islands as their one stop destination to unwind and relax. The island presents a lot of activities that leave lasting memories in the minds of its visitors. Thousands of tourists are attracted to the home of white sand beaches and crystal-clear blue water. It is also highly popular among cruise ship visitors, with the country reaching more than a million passenger-mark in 2018.

Travelers Worldwide Magazine selected the nation as its 12th safest Caribbean islands to visit in 2022.

which is a well-deserved ranking. The Islands boast of activities ranging from the common beach visits with lots of beaches to choose; with each beach giving you a different experience from the previous, to water activities like snorkeling, surfing, and cruising. If you aren’t into water activities, there are other land activities such as hiking, safari and bike riding. Hospitality is rated one of the best in the Caribbean with lots of hotels and resorts constantly striving to outdo their competitors.

Daytime shopping and Night time partying is not excluded as the island is has numerous options to explore. The island also boasts of beautiful Museums littered throughout the island, each holding tales and historical relics that give tourists an indebt insight to the culture and way of life of the islanders. There is always something to do for all who visits St. Kitts & Nevis. St Kitts is mostly known to have friendly locals, while Nevis Island is remembered for its nature and peace.

For every tourist visiting either locations for the first time, there is always the concern of security. One prominent question frequently asked is, ‘how safe is the island?’. Planning for a fun filled holiday only to be confronted with a tragic experience stemming from crime related activities, is not a palatable experience. Which is why, over the years, the island is constantly adopting new technological securities to ensure that the police force is readily equipped with the ability to fight crime head on.

One way to combat crime was the installation of real-time high-resolution CCTV cameras across the island. Another is the regular training and upgrading of its police force.

This unwavering dedication, which has caught the media’s attention, has drastically reduced the crime rate across the islands. St. Kitts & Nevis being recognized by Travelers Worldwide magazine, as the 12th Safest Caribbean island among the seventeen safest Caribbean islands to visit in 2022. The website gives creditable information and known to provide details about country’s, flights and other aspects, which relates to travelling.

The US Department of State also tagged the Nation a minimally threatening country due to decline in criminal activities in recent years. The country has been investing heavily on security infrastructure like the installation of CCTV cameras across the country, building new and renovating police stations, fortifying the Defense force and coast guard facilities, etc.

With a decline in the homicide rate over the recent years, the Prime Minister, Dr Timothy Harris, declared that the people of St Kitts and Nevis are living in a safer environment. He attributed this milestone achievement to the government’s heavy investment in the security infrastructure. He buttressed the fact that the government of St. Kitts & Nevis had been investing heavily on the installation of CCTV cameras which will assist the monitoring system in the country. He also promised the people of the federation of ensuring a new and safe environment. Prime Minister said, “We have been bold, united and courageous in tackling crime – creating the stronger, safer future we all deserve.”

The government of St. Kitts & Nevis has been on the mission of installing street lights, CCTV cameras and also positioning police stations in several locales to ensure safety to residents. It is also noteworthy to mention that progress in the country is accomplished as a result of the revenue generated from the Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programme, under the Sustainable Growth Fund (SGF).

The country established a platform called the Sustainable Growth Fund (SGF), in 2018, which was aimed at improving and supporting the development of the country. A major chunk of the socio-economic activities occurring in St. Kitts & Nevis is due to the success of the CBI programme and a large proportion of the funds generated from the SGF is channeled toward infrastructural growth across the federation.

Although there may be concerns as to the manner of people being accepted into the nation, but of recently, the nation gained international commendation for the thorough and airtight procedure being adopted by the programme. Applicants over 16 years and their dependents seeking citizenship undergo vigorous background checks by the government and independent third-party agencies, which ensures the acceptance of only people of high character standards. This act displays the nations’ commitment to national and international security.

Applicants must ensure to donate to the “Sustainable Growth Fund”, as a requirement to obtain the alternative citizenship approval. The applicant has to invest a minimum of USD 150,000 to be included in the CBI programme under the SGF.

It is also possible for an applicant to include family members in one application, which can include the spouse, children (under the age of 30) and parents as well as grandparents (over the age of 55).

As an investor, to attain the dual citizenship of the Federation of St. Kitts & Nevis, here are some of the eligibility criteria:

  • The character of the applicant must be reputed.
  • The investor should not have any criminal record.
  • The personal net worth of the applicant must be high.
  • The minimum age of the investor should be more than 18 years.

St. Kitts & Nevis is the initiator of citizenship by investment programme industry. It was created in 1984, and has been regarded as the “Platinum Standard of CBI” and made the top rank in CBI Index by the Financial Times’ Professional Wealth Management (PWM) magazine. It has been regarded as the world’s fastest, safest, most secure and transparent Programme.

These strong facts about St. Kitts and Nevis, shows why Travelers Worldwide Magazine selected the nation as its 12th safest Caribbean islands to visit .

Thinking about traveling to experience St. Kitts & Nevis? Be sure to check our Caribbean Travel Requirements COVID-19 updates for the latest requirements for travel to St. Kitts & Nevis as well as other Caribbean countries including Antigua and Barbuda,  Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago.

